
News — Vegan leather alternatives

Future Fabrics Expo 2023 in London

Banana fibre Material innovation Peace silk Vegan leather alternatives

Future Fabrics Expo 2023 in London

The Future Fabrics Expo 2023 in London once again aimed to challenge conventional textile production by showcasing the latest advancements in sustainable materials, manufacturing techniques, and circular design principles. The annual event is a testament to the fashion industry's commitment to sustainability and its collective effort to redefine the way we produce and consume textiles. Gathering a diverse range of designers, innovators and manufacturers, the expo provided a glimpse into the future of fabrics, emphasising ethical practices and eco-consciousness.         From organic cotton, hemp and peace silk to innovative materials like Piñatex (made from pineapple leaf fibres)...

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Material Innovation: Plant-Based Vegan Leather Alternatives

Material innovation Vegan leather alternatives

Material Innovation: Plant-Based Vegan Leather Alternatives

As veganism and climate-conscious consumerism continue to gain traction, there is a growing interest in finding plant-based, cruelty-free, and low carbon alternatives to traditional leather. In response, the fashion industry has witnessed numerous innovations over the last year, including the development of new materials such as those made from cactus leaves, grape seeds, and apple skin. Some of these new materials are either fully recyclable or biodegradable/compostable, like “coconut leather” from Malai. This material is produced from organic bacterial cellulose, which is derived from waste coconut water that has been obtained during the harvesting of coconut flesh. The collected waste coconut...

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